From Memes to Millions: How to Make Money Investing

3 min read6 days ago
From Meta AI

I am certain you have heard the rants about individuals making fortunes with meme coins. You have attempted to trade them on your own, but you continuously encounter rug pulls and losses. In this guide, we’ll discover why starting traders end up in these failings, and how you can avoid them with a few easy, free programs

A Comprehensive 6-Week Plan for Trading in Meme Coin

First of all, we are to apply Dex Screener. Visit dexscreener. It is again selecting new pairs from the available options and this can be done by typing the given word in adobe com and then selecting new pairs on the left side. Modify the condition for the “Age” filter to “within an hour”, and click on “Age” once or twice. This will show the latest products — those uploaded in the last few minutes.

When trading meme coins, this is perhaps one of the most sensible pieces of advice to heed; only trade on one blockchain. In the same way, do not use many blockchains because this incurs many wallets and bridging is complex. For simplicity of funding, use Solana without complications particularly if you are going to be flipping assets, with relatively small price tags.

Setting Up Dex Screener for Solana

1. Filter for Solana: From the toolbar, select “Filter” and then from the drop-down…




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