Banks and Persuasion: Where Binary Thinking Fails and the Digital Threat Emerge

3 min readJun 15, 2024

Banks: The Economic Powerhouses

Some of the major components of the modern economy are without doubt the banks. However, the nature of their operations which has been traditional is under threat. Technological advancements of the so-called ‘tech-payment giants’ and digital currencies in particular are fundamentally changing the world, and not only the sphere of banking facilities.

These changes could aff ect consumers’ privacy, the governments regulation, as well as the stability of the entire financial markets.

The Fundamentals of Banking

Even today, there are only several principles vital to the existence and functioning of a bank, and the majority of them originate from the barter understanding of banking: essentially, it is based on the fractional reserve banking. This system enables the banks to generate money through extending out the deposits to customers, a process that involves holding back a small fraction as reserves.

Banks used to hold gold and lent money which was a document till today’s concept of money is a virtual form. A loan creates money since most of it or as much as 90% of money in circulation is now digital money deposited digitally by chequing accounts.

Digital Disruption

Njema asilia ya fedha wameweza kupatikana mabadiliko. Loan finance sources have become unpopular among many firms as most of them look for equity financiers, especially in technological ventures. Even more significantly, the mega-apps like the example from China, Alipay, go further by opening more profound disruption in banking by creating digital wallets for transactions, investment, and remittances.

This satellite digital economy is revolutionalizing the<|reserved_special_token_270|> transfer of money across borders in many occasions excluding the oversight of banks.

Central Banks’ Countermeasures

CBDCs have emerged as a possible solution because central banks are looking at digital forms of money to address these challenges. These electronic types of cash, would enable the consumer to hold money directly with the central banks and possibly exclude commercial banks.

Central banks consider CbDCs as tools to retain control over the economy, especially with the growing trends of digital financial technologies.

Implications and Concerns

Emerging of new money including the digital currencies is benefited by many stakeholders but at the same time face many challenges. They are used to expressing a higher level of financial liberty and faster transfers of money while at the same time viewed as enhancing the risk of hacks and cyber attacks and deepening the instabilities of monetary systems while putting the government in a better position to observe the transactions.

The likelihood is high that states will become more involved in various mundane financial processes and transactions, which is rather concerning in terms of privacy and self-organization.


At the present, the financial structure has reached its climax. Although digital currencies and tech-payment systems will open a new page in currency usage they also entail significant risks. These changes are slowly eradicating the standard roles of traditional banks and as plenipotentiaries of financial systems, the direct central bank- consumer links may result in central banking systems becoming predominant parts of the economic structures in the future.

This changing environment leads us to reflect thoughtful about what extent matters could be innovated or changed in the financial system while maintaining its stability.




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